
Watch now! Thumbnail for Ani Liu's GEEX Talks Lecture, featuring a portrait of Ani with her scientific research equipment, and a preview of her work related to embryos, biology, and the human body.
Watch now! Thumbnail for Kayla Cantu's GEEX Talks lecture, featuring a preview of her body-and-glass performance and photography.
Title for the GEEX Shorts promotion, featuring a colorful range of beads
The BIPOC Community Table, facilitated by Abigail Akindude, Adeye Jean-Baptiste, Kiani Simms, and Bre’Annah Stampley
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Glass Education Exchange (GEEX) is an online platform that serves glass education through community-building programming and resource sharing.


GEEX programs brings learners together for discussion and connection, supporting under-represented voices in the field of glass and beyond.

The GEEX Talks Archive features 19 full-length lectures from 2020-2024.

GEEX Talks Lecture Series
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Subscribe to GEEX Talks to access a growing archive of high-quality lectures.

Square that reads "GIVE & GROW", with radiating rings gradiating from the center.

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White mug with a red and white ball and stick model of a Cerium Oxide molecule

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