Sponsor GEEX

GEEX offers sponsorship packages for industry voices. Share your company’s personality with the extended glass community!

GEEX Talks Spots

Since our first season, GEEX has served over 30 academic glass programs, predominantly in the United States, representing an audience of over 1000 glass educators, glass learners, and people new to the material.

GEEX seeks industry sponsors in support of this shared educational project, consisting of videos and podcast episodes. Sponsorships enable us to continue offering low- or no-cost community projects. We offer two tiers of sponsorship:

Premiere Sponsorship Package ($750 for new sponsors; $500 for repeat sponsors)
  • 60-second sponsorship spot* in GEEX Talks lecture videoGlassy Company GEEX Talks Promo 1
  • Company name/logo and product/service featured in lecture video
  • Company name/logo featured in four GEEX Shorts videos
    Glassy Company GEEX Talks Promo 1
  • Sponsor’s logo placed on website (>1300 average monthly views)
  • Sponsor’s logo placed in monthly newsletter for 9 months (>300 subscribers)
  • Sponsor credit in one social media post
  • Complimentary company access to the GEEX Talks video archive

* Discounted sponsorship rates available for companies willing to produce a 60-second spot in-house.

Basic Sponsorship Package ($200)
  • Company name/logo and/or product/service featured in lecture video
  • Company name/logo featured in one GEEX Shorts video
    Glassy Company GEEX Talks Promo 1
  • 2-3 sentence sponsorship spot on GEEX Talks lecture video
    GEEX Talks Caption Example
  • Sponsor’s logo placed on website (>1300 average monthly views)
  • Sponsor’s logo placed in monthly newsletter for 2 months (>300 subscribers)
  • Sponsor credit in one social media post
  • Complimentary company access to the GEEX Talks video archive


Please contact support@geex.glass to book sponsorships with GEEX. 
Please note that the exact visual appearance of sponsorship features are subject to change.

GEEX Programs Sponsorships

Help advance the field of glass by sponsoring public programming focused on historically under-supported areas of the glass world. With your support, GEEX can continue to carve out spaces for new narratives and conversations to both redefine and reflect on the field.


Support one or multiple programs by contacting support@geex.glass. Programming for the 2024-25 season is underway, reserve your sponsorship placement today!